Appointed Titles
Welcome to Cause for Paws Appointed Titles Application Page. We are very choosy in who we select to be appointed title holders as we expect your dedication to supporting Cause for Paws Pageant to be even higher than our other royalty. Please read this page carefully for title requirements before submitting your application.
1) First, make sure you are eligible for the title that interests you and that you can meet the requirements of the title if awarded.
- Must be age 6+ and prior Queens for Animals royalty (any year).
- Can make a minimum of 3 appearances during 2022-23.
- Will attend the Doggie Dash on May 14 (assuming no conflicts).
- Will attend the 2023 Paws Pageant (assuming no conflicts).
- Will set up a Doggie Dash page and fundraise.
- Can pay a $35 registration fee if chosen.
- Must be age 6+ and prior Queens for Animals board member, royalty, volunteer, or current relative to Cause for Paws staff or volunteer.
- Can make a minimum of 5 appearances during 2022-23.
- Will attend the Doggie Dash on May 14 (assuming no conflicts).
- Will attend the 2023 Paws Pageant (assuming no conflicts).
- Will set up a Doggie Dash page and fundraise.
- Can pay a $35 registration fee if chosen.
2) Do you meet the above requirements? If so, please submit the following information to pawspageant@gmail.com
- Title Applicant Name.
- Title applying for.
- Parent Name if Title Applicant is under age 18.
- Title Applicant current age and birth date including year.
- Mailing address and phone number.
- Preferred way to contact you.
- Acknowledgement you read the Crown & Sash Replacement Policy.
(Policy can be found at the end of this page.)
- Answers to the following questions:
- What was/were your previous QFA title(s) and year(s)?
- Tell us why you would like to be Paws Pageant Royalty for 2022-23.
- What are some appearances you might make with your title?
- Are you available to attend Doggie Dash on May 14 in Portland?
- What is your affiliation with QFA and/or Paws Pageant?
- Tell us why you would like be an ambassador for Paws Pageant.
- Describe how you think you could help promote Paws Pageant.
- Are you available to attend Doggie Dash on May 14 in Portland?
3) Sign up for our Doggie Dash Team: https://secure.oregonhumane.org/doggiedash/PawsPageant
Set a fund raising goal and then invite friends and families to donate!
Crown And Sash Replacement Policy
Please also be aware that the custom crowns and sashes for our appointed title holders are of the highest quality and difficult to replace. We need you to understand that if they are damaged or lost, you will be responsible for their replacement at your own expense
Our mission
Cause for Paws is an annual benefit pageant that helps to support Oregon Humane Society shelter abandoned animals, fight cruelty and neglect, and work to build a caring, compassionate community. For more information about the Oregon Humane Society, please visit www.oregonhumane.org.
Ways You Can Help